Donate Today

You can help children hear the Gospel and grow in their faith

Share the joy and hope of Jesus with children by providing training, resources, and financial assistance to local missionaries.


We are a faith-based, non-profit ministry that relies on God to supply our financial needs through the prayerful giving of His people.

Please give generously towards General Fund. Thank you for your interest in supporting CEF. You can give to CEF in several ways:

Per IRS Regulations, we hereby state that no good or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF) will make every effort to honor the contribution designation of the donor, yet contributions must be under the direction and control of CEF. CEF has the discretion to determine how to best use contributions to carry out its functions and purposes. Such control of funds by CEF is required to ensure the donor's contributions satisfy requirements for tax-deductibility. Child Evangelism Fellowship of Southern California, San Gabriel Valley Chapter, is a non-profit organization exempt under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code and contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our Tax ID is 95-1878826.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact San Gabriel Valley Chapter Treasurer Team via email to: [email protected]

Program Service Fee Payments
(Non Tax Deductible)

LiveScan Pre-Paid Code ($25)
Super Seminar Training Fee ($20)
CYIA Tuition Payment ($600)
Fundraiser Sponsorship ($360)
Chino Valley Mayor's Prayer Breakfast Ticket ($40)

Donate/Give Online
(Tax Deductible)

General Fund (Include Missionary Support)
5-Day Club
CYIA Scholarship
Good News Clubs
Junior Youth Challenge

*Make a one-time giving or set up a weekly/monthly recurring giving is easy. Be sure to specify which fund category your fund is designated for. Multiple fund categories may be selected.

Text to Give

Text 'DONATE' to (833) 891-6316

*Then A secured giving link will be sent back to your phone.

 Zelle Bank Transfer

Child Evangelism Fellowship of So. CA, San Gabriel Valley Chapter


[email protected]

Give by Mail

a. Make it out to CEFSGV (This stands for "Child Evangelism Fellowship, San Gabriel Valley.")           

b.  💌  Mail Checks to:
Pam Burton c/o CEFSGV
6003 Reno Ave
Temple City, CA 91780 (we're currently experiencing some mailing issues; if your check gets returned, please contact our office [email protected])

Per IRS Guidelines, you cannot give to a specific person, but you can request for it to go toward a budgeted position. For Missionary Coordinator, please put in memo 4054 as a designation code.

Mission Possible Project Jan 2023

For 2025 Valentine's Day Fundraiser Campaign, we are honored to introduce a new ministry partner: Give Sope, who is also a Christian faith based non-profit organization. The idea of effective ministry partnership sprouted naturally since we share the same vision and mission of sharing the truth and the life of Jesus Christ. For CEF family, friends and ministry partners, when you make a purchase on, $5 of each soap bar purchased will be donated to CEF Ministry. Your generosity will allow us to reach more children for Christ and give hope to the marginalized. Lives will be transformed.

The purchase link is now live. There are a variety of naturally scented cold pressed soaps for you to discover and gift a loved one just in time for this special time of the year. Give Sope to Give Hope this season!

Got Questions? Contact us today!
We'd love to hear from you!

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Southern California,
San Gabriel Valley Chapter

4054 E. Live Oak Ave.
Arcadia, CA 91006

(626) 445-5810
[email protected]