
“I’ve never known of a time in my history with CEF where I have seen more encouragement than through the answer of prayer. As I look around, it’s almost like you can experience the answers to prayer. Sometimes they come so close together, I call it a miracle in progress. There’s nothing more exciting than a miracle taking place in the midst of prayer, and God receiving the glory.”
author image
Reese Kauffman
CEF President
“When we work, we work. When we pray, God works.”
David Ra
CEF Asia/Pacific Regional Director

Prayer and Praise

*Updated monthly on the first of each month.

PRAY for children will understand the Gospel and receive Jesus as Savior
PRAY for children will attend CPCs and hear the Gospel
PRAY for families of children who attend CPCs will also hear the Gospel and be saved
PRAY for more church and community partnerships
PRAY for volunteers to receive support from churches and other believers
PRAY for volunteers to have good health and be empowered by the Holy Spirit

PRAISE for volunteers catching the vision and the passion for lost children in their communities
PRAISE for two new volunteers at Hidden Trails Good News Club
PRAISE for five CPCs this year and parents allowing the children to attend

This container is called God Can. It is named that because God can answer prayers.
"Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." 
I Peter 5:7

God Can Prayer Request

Are there things you would like someone to pray for? Something you are worried about, or someone you love is sick, or needs a job. Then fill out this form and press "submit" to put it in the God Can. Remember God cares about what matters to you! Trust God that He will answer in the best way according to His perfect plan for you. Please be sure to let us know how God answered your prayer and how we can keep praying. God bless!

Printable Prayer Guide

The Lord mightily uses your commitment to pray for our chapter, to help us effectively do our year-round ministry!

We recommend you print out our Prayer Warriors Prayer Guide and keep it with your Bible or prayer journal or display it in your home as a reminder to pray for the cause of bringing the Gospel to children!

Moreover, we also encourage you to share it with those who regularly attend prayer meetings at your Home Church, or ask your church leaders to incorporate the information contained as part of your Sunday Bulletin Prayer List section throughout the year.

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?
Romans 10:14

We thank you for co-working with us! Heaven opens when you pray for our ministry! Glory to God alone!

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” - Luke 10:2

Luke 10:2 Initiative

And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.
Luke 10:2 ESV