Fair Workers Training

For LA County Fair Workers

LA County Fair Schedule

May 2-26, 2025 (16 Days)

More volunteers needed to cover the remaining timeslots:

Sunday, 05/11 @ 11am-5pm or 5pm-11pm
Thursday, 5/15 @ 11am-5pm (Filled) or 5pm-11pm
Friday, 05/23 @ 11am-5pm or 5pm-11pm
Sunday, 05/11 @ 11am-5pm or 5pm-11pm

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on SignUp

LA County Fair Location

Fair Location: 1101 W. McKinley Ave. , Pomona, CA 91768 (Click HERE for Driving Direction)

Fairplex Daily-Parking Fee is $22.50 (in-advance) or $26 (at the gate). Click HERE for Parking Pass Purchasing Link. Our CEF Fair Booth is located closer to Blue Lot / Gate 9.  

Duties & Instructions

Who Attends The Fair Workers Training?

All who will be involved: team captains, story tellers and outside workers (hosts/hostesses). 

If you include your prayer warriors, they will be more aware of and ready to pray.


  • Enlists Fair workers and conducts Fair training for all serving in the fair.
  • Responsible for seeing that all is in readiness for the day.
  • Makes sure the booth remains adequately manned at all times.
  • Assists story tellers and outside workers (hosts or hostesses)
  • Totals all Story Tellers Tally Sheets for the day, then adds it to the Daily Stat Report Sheet (on clipboard located in the booth).
  • Submit the Daily Stat Report electronically to http://cefsgv.org/fairstat or email to [email protected] or text to (626) 445-5810 **The responsible Chapter Director will be contacted the next morning if the daily stat report is not received.**
  • Make sure the booth is cleaned up and properly closed at night.
  • Check supplies needed for the next day and notify Admin Support if supplies are inadequate.


Submitted on the last shift of the day. Starting in Summer 2025, in addition to writing it down on the paper copy in the booth, electronic submission is also required via online form, email, or text message.


  • Stand in front of the booth. But don't block the door. Not far out in the street. The Fair restricts us from going too far outside the booth. The objective is to invite the children into the booth to hear the gospel. If a parent is with the child ask the parent's permission for the child to enter the booth and invite them in as well. DO NOT ALLOW PEOPLE TO COME AND VISIT IN THE BOOTH AND TAKE UP VALUABLE TIME. Be sure someone is manning the inviting post at all times so as not to miss any children going by due to your visiting. This job is for those unafraid of asking people in. BE ENTHUSIASTIC! SMILE! Pray while you see people coming. There are brochures and info request forms outside if someone has a question about CEF.
  • Invite them in! To the children - "The story is about to begin...!", or "How about coming in to hear a wonderful Bible story?" Only takes 8 minutes!! To teens - "Good News For You," “the best news you will ever hear!” etc. This works for adults also.
  • USE A PUPPET OR BUBBLE GUN to invite children into the booth. It is perfectly alright to add tothe thrill of the fair. If you desire to do something like that be sure they know they will hear a story not a puppet play.
  • OUR PRIMARY AIM - is for the children to hear the story. Those who invite have first contact with thechildren. Make it pleasant. If parents are there, let them know they are welcome to join theirchildren and the story will take about 8 minutes.
  • GET NAMES and addresses of adults interested in CEF on information request cards provided.


  • Greet the children as they come into the booth, and then proceed to tell the story for 8-10 minutes.
  • Use the WORDLESS BOOK story ONLY to present a clear message of the gospel.
  • Give the invitation to receive Christ.
  • Encourage them to pray to God IF they are believing in Christ as Savior for the first time.
  • Give them the handouts provided.
  • Fill out the record sheet after each story told.Don’t wait until the end of your shift!!!
  • Total your record sheet when you leave the booth and place it in the record box.
  • Share any interesting stories of the children with State Office. These stories are always needed.


  • Be neat and well dressed. Shorts are OK. Modesty is the issue. Ladies, if wearing a skirt, make sure that it covers your knees when you are seated and your top is not revealing anything... Wear a Good News Club or CYIA T-shirt if you have one.
  • Do not entertain friends while on duty; spend time with them when your assignment is over.
  • Do not use the booth for storage. The space is needed for supplies and workers items.
  • Do not argue doctrine or promote a particular church or denomination while at the booth.
  • Do not give anything out that is not cleared with the CEF State Office. There are certain restrictions while we are at the fair, we cannot do things that would conflict with other vendors such as giving away things that others sell during the fair. We have sent a sample of all the things that are given away at the booth to the Fair Office; they will expect us to hold to our plans.
  • Do not be late. Please be on time for your assigned period. And if possible, be a little early so the worker you are relieving will have time to give any needed information. REMEMBER... Allow plenty of time for parking and walking to the booth.
  • Maintain a good Christian witness at all times. You are there first of all, to represent the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly, you represent Child Evangelism Fellowship. The Gospel is to be presented in its clearest form in the wordless book presentation and handouts.
  • Keep the booth as neat and clean as possible. Keep literature in neat piles.


  • UNTRAINED PEOPLE. We have had many people in the booth who absolutely did not know what to do! This must not happen. You can avoid this through good training for them!
  • A less than enthusiastic "out front" person. The person inviting the children in must be on guard All the time. This is key to good attendance in the booth. Invite families with the kids.
  • Underage Fair worker did the inviting outside the booth as well as did the story telling in the booth. This is not wise. We have seen some discipline problems, a lack of respect, and other issues arose from that. All those who are assigned a spot in the booth need to be a CYIA’er or at least in high school or older. A child may help an adult playing with the bubbles or puppets...only in addition to a scheduled qualified adult worker.
  • Teens inviting only teens into the booth are another problem. One teen was asked why she did this, she said she felt more comfortable. Please remind the team that CEF stands for "Child Evangelism Fellowship". Our mission focuses on children ages 5-12.
  • Last but not least, all tally sheets and stat report needs to stay in the booth. Please do not take any of the tally sheets or stat report sheet home!!! At the end of the day, total up the story teller tally sheets, fill in the Daily Stat Report Sheet on the wall and submit the stats online on the last shift is very important. We need to do this diligently because stat reporting is vital to let our CEF Headquarter, our donors and ministry partners know the impact they have made through our Ministry. Some story tellers took their tally sheets home and we never did get a correct count. Therefore, please reiterate that all paperwork remain inside the booth.

Incident Reporting

Any problems or questions? Call the State Office at 818-349-9883 immediately and if necessary, leave a message.

1.) Remember you are not a social worker; DO NOT try to handle incidents by yourself.

2.) Document the incident by filling out the below form, which will be automatically sent to LA County Fair Admin Support and CEF So Cal State Office. If you do not hear back from someone within minutes, please call Scott Julian 310-614-1998 directly! Do not wait!

3.) Do not give any written communication to the parties involved in the incident without the CEF state office approval. Thank you!