Good News Club
What is Good News Club?
Good News Club (GNC) is a ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship(CEF) in which trained teachers meet with groups of children in schools, homes, community centers, churches, apartment complexes and just about anywhere the children can easily and safely meet with their parent’s permission.
What Is Taught in Good News Club?
Each week the teacher presents an exciting Bible lesson using colorful materials from CEF Press. This action-packed time also includes songs, Scripture memory, a missionary story and review games or other activities focused on the lesson’s theme.
Each club includes a clear presentation of the Gospel and an opportunity for children to trust the Lord Jesus as Savior. Every club also includes strong discipleship training to build character and strengthen moral and spiritual growth. All children are encouraged to attend a local church.
How Does the Club Benefit Children?
Children learn biblical principals, moral values, character qualities and respect for authority.
Is There Any Cost?
There is no charge for children to attend.
Who Can Attend?
Good News Clubs are open to all boys and girls regardless of religious background. Curriculum is geared for children ages 5-12. Parents are welcome to attend the club with their child.
Now, more than ever, children need the Gospel!
A Good News Club® meets kids right where they are!
Church Partner
Is your church passionate about transforming the lives of children in your community?
Wanna help teach a Bible lesson, read a mission story, lead songs, organize games? Today is the day!
Your contribution directly supports teacher trainings, club supplies and materials.
Be part of a prayer vine. Join us in the intercessory work for what God is doing through CEF.
Can we really teach the Bible in public schools?
Yes! The Gospel has been taught freely in public schools all over the world for some time. Now children in the U.S. have that opportunity, too! In 2001 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Good News Clubs v. Milford Central School that Good News Clubs can meet in public schools in the United States after school hours on the same terms as other community groups. Children attend Good News Club only with their parents’ permission.
Who Teaches a Good News Club?
Christians who are concerned for boys and girls work together volunteering their time and energy to teach Good News Club. They are trained by Child Evangelism Fellowship to have a club that is exciting and informative so that children will want to keep coming. Teachers are asked to sign the CEF Statement of Faith and agree to abide by the policies of the organization. Adults working with the program are screened according to our child protection policy.
In the United States there is a movement among churches to adopt a public school Good News Club. Learn how you could be a part of this movement.
What can Good News Club Do For My Neighborhood?
A Good News Club can identify a home in the neighborhood that is safe for a child to go to in times of trouble. It brings the teaching of biblical morality to his neighborhood. It connects the child and his family to others where they live developing a good community spirit. When you teach God’s Word to children in your neighborhood, your neighbors learn what you believe. Community centers and housing complexes are also great places for a club.
What Principals Are Saying About Good News Club?
An overwhelming majority of principals surveyed said that Good News Club® has been a positive experience in the school.
“It allows the students and families of my school to have an extended learning opportunity connecting home/school/church. It allows students at the school to enhance their personal relationships with one another through the Good News Club activities. It fosters a positive connection between school character program and Good News Club traits.”
“Reading practice, mentoring, positive role models”
“I do not/have not observed any lessons; however, the students who are in the GNCTM rarely receive discipline referrals to the office. Undoubtedly, the club has been a successful part in our curbing bullying and classroom disrespect from children.”
“Students love the program. Parents are excited to have the program in our school. The Good News Club works with us to promote good choices among children.”
“The directors and volunteers are doing a good job taking care of our kids. We do not get complaints from parents, nor do we have disciplinary issues after school.”
“Kids and parents love it, and the teachers are the absolute best! They are a JOY to have on campus.”
“Students of the Good News Club create lasting relationships with one another outside the academic setting of school. Students model lessons learned in the Good News Club during the school day. Students who might struggle with value choices at school are given great role models within the Good News Club. Parents of the Good News Club love having the safe haven of the school setting to enhance their child's academic and spiritual growth.”
“We love having such a positive program as part of our Community School programming. The Good News Club has been a very welcome addition to the school. Thank you.”
“We look forward to working with the Good News Club for many years to come. Thank you!”
Ten Reasons Why Schools Want a Good News Club
1. The Good News Club assists in developing good citizens. Principals and teachers have said they can see a difference in kids who go to Good News Club because it assists in developing good citizens for the public elementary school by teaching children moral values, character qualities, and respect for authority.
2. The Good News Club meets after school hours. Workers are careful to never cause disruption to the academic program of the school. Good News Clubs are conducted by reputable local churches which provide workers, funding and community involvement for the school. Volunteers from the sponsoring church often serve the school in other areas.
3. The Good News Club is free to all children in the school. Boys and girls from K-5 th grade, regardless of religious background, are invited to Good News Club. Also, there is no charge to the children to join the club or for any materials.
4. Signed registration forms from a parent are required for any child to attend Good News Club. The registration form includes needed information concerning the child’s allergies, emergency contacts, and persons allowed to pick up the child from club. Parents are always welcome to visit the club.
5. All Good News Club workers are screened. Every volunteer is screened as required by Child Evangelism Fellowship’s Child Protection Policy. CEF also carries a three million-dollar liability insurance policy.
6. Every Good News Club worker is trained. CEF conducts extensive training so that each worker knows what to do from the time he/she enters the school parking lot until the last child is placed in a car with the parent.
7. Good News Club workers are with the children during the entire club hour. The ratio of Good News Club workers to children is typically 1:7 and the workers are committed to stay with the children through snack time, teaching time and dismissal until the last child is picked up.
8. Good News Club workers clean the club area. After the last child leaves, workers are responsible to clean the area where club was conducted.
9. There is one contact person between the Good News Club and the school. This avoids confusion and miscommunication. This contact person will provide the school with a list of all children attending the club as well as any other pertinent information.
10. Good News Club provides positive fun for the children. Learning Bible stories, songs, and verses is made fun through games, visuals and dramatic teaching. A snack and small “goodie bag” is also provided each week.