God Can
Prayer Request Form

This container is called God Can. It is named that because God can answer prayers. The Bible says, I Peter 5:7 "Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you." To cast your cares on God means to tell Him the things that make you worried or afraid and it also means that you trust Him to answer in the best way according to His perfect plan. God loves you and knows what is best for you.
Are there things you would like someone to pray for? Something you are worried about, or someone you love is sick, or needs a job, or someone in your family needs prayer. Then fill out this form and press "submit" to put it in the God Can. You don’t have to sign your name unless you want to.
When you put your prayer request into the God Can, our prayer warriors will read them and pray for them starting this week. Remember God cares about the things you care about. He promises to answer the prayers of those who believe in Jesus. He will answer the way He knows is best. Please be sure to let us know how God answered your prayer and how we can keep praying.
Thank you and God bless!