Super Seminar Training Registration

Super Seminars, as the name suggests, provide a variety of classes for those interested in ministering to children.  

Topics range widely from discipleship to prayer to preschool, creating a well-rounded teacher.

Important: Please be sure to bring your Bible on the day of training!!!


Please be sure to complete your Pre-Training Homework, including creating your CEF CMI account, watch the counselling videos, and Wordless Book Training Notes, etc.

We are a faith-based, non-profit ministry that relies on God to supply our financial needs through the prayerful giving of His people.

Super Seminar Training Workshop Cost: $20 for Training Materials, Facility Rental and Lunch/Refreshments.

Option #1. Pay Online. Give One-Time and select "Super Seminar Tuition (Non-Tax Deductible)"

Option #2. Make Checks payable to "CEFSGV" & Mail to
Pam Burton c/o CEFSGV
6003 Reno Ave
Temple City, CA 91780
we're currently experiencing some mailing issues; if your check gets returned, please contact our office [email protected])

Option #3. Pay at the door on the day of the training with cash/check

Tell a pastor, a children ministry coordinator, or a friend about CEF ...

Super Seminar is a great way to share your compassion for CEF with those who share the same vision for reaching children for Christ and discipling them.

Children today are attacked on every side by the world. They are the church of tomorrow and they are dependent upon us to show them the biblical way. Good teachers do not just mysteriously appear—they must be trained, nurtured and developed.  Invite someone to learn how the world's largest children ministry organization evangelizes every child, every nation, every day. 

Super Seminars are usually held on the third Saturday of January, June and September every year.