Ministry Reporting App (MRA)

(Report is reported weekly on Ministry Reporting App)

As of September 1, 2023, CEF has launched a brand new Ministry Reporting App (MRA) for all ministry reporting needs.

If you are a team leader/team admin, please contact our office for an invitation link.

Then follow the step by step instruction guide to set up your own MRA account.

Frequently Encountered Issues

Before asking the office administrator to resend you an invite email link, please try the following troubleshooting tips first.

Q: My invite link has expired. How can I log in?

First and foremost, asking the office to resend the invite link to you won't work.

After you've set up your password, the second time that you need to login, the link in the email will not work. Instead, you should type in the website address to get onto the MRA login page.

Or ... did you forget your password? If so, simply click on "Forgot Password" and type in your email address, then a new link will be sent to your email, which you could reset your password. Then use your phone app to proceed with your 2 Factor Aunthentification verification.

Q: Why can't I log in my MRA account after setting up the passsword? What is an "Authenticator App"?

After you've accepted your email invite link and set up your login password, you’ll come to this strange page. It’s where you setup your phone as your second factor. If you don’t have an “authenticator app” on your phone, go to your phone’s store and add one. (It’s free.) We suggest Google Authenticator or Microsoft Authenticator. (see page 6 of your MRA New User's Guide for further details).

Q: I don't see the "Save Changes" or "Add xxx" button. What should I do?

Check the top right corner for your role setting. You want to set it as the "data manager" in order to "Add..." (locations, people, activities, sessions, etc.)

Q: Why can't I add my volunteer as a Leader? Why is there an error message saying the person does not meet the "CPP" requirement?

When this happens, please check under the People Tab and find the person's profile to make sure their CPP Certified Until Date is properly entered.

Q: How do I report stat & attendance record?

In the old stat reporting system, you only had to report monthly with an aggregated number of enrollments, professions of faith and # started attending church.

In the new MRA system, you'll need to create a "session" for each "club day", then the system will do the add up directly.

If you bring a laptop or iPad, you could easily report the attendance on site. (sorry, no phone app is available yet.)

See page 14-15 in the new user guide for more details.

Bad news is that MRA is not integrated with JotForm sign-ups, ie. you'd need to enter each student's info. manually before club starts in order to take their attendance and report stat.

⚠️ Very important!!! Before adding your team member/student, be sure to look up the "people" filter, so a duplicate won't be created. That'd cause confusion on the person's account.

Q: Do I report "Collect Aggregate"?

No, make sure the "Collect Aggregate" is turned off. Each child will need to be added unto the "Attendees" section, and their attendance is checked weekly.

Accept It

This statement might seem belligerent, snarky, or cold. That’s not my heart though. I’ve helped a lot of people setup and start using a lot of systems that replaced their old ones. The hardest challenge people have is accepting the new way of doing things. They are so used to the old way, the new way doesn’t make sense, so they keep trying to use it the old way. I get it. But when they give in to the new way, they dissolve a large barrier to their success.